Good Fences And Not So Good Neighbors: Property Law 101

Good Fences And Not So Good Neighbors: Property Law 101

  • What Are The Search And Seizure Rules?

    The search and seizure law is a law that is in the U.S. Constitution. The Fourth Amendment protects people's rights and their property, not allowing police to search through personal belongings, seize contraband, or make arrests under certain jurisdictions. If you believe the police acted unjustly during your arrest or while seizing your property, then you might be able to use that during your criminal trial. Here is more information about the search and seizure law, and what the rules are.

  • 3 Reasons To Hire A Real Estate Attorney

    Being involved a real estate transaction can be complex. The laws that surround buying or selling property can be difficult to abide by, unless you are guided by a real estate attorney. It's critical to the outcome of the transaction that you follow the rules that are set in your specific location. Knowing the reasons to hire a real estate attorney may motivate you to schedule an appointment with one for the best results.

  • Mistakes To Avoid When Submitting Disability Claims

    Have you recently found yourself unable to work for medical reasons and are considering submitting a disability claim? Are you finding the process overwhelming and difficult to understand? You are not alone. The process for filing disability claims, and getting those claims approved so payment can begin, can be long and difficult for anyone. Not having one necessary document can mean that disability claims are denied, which then results in an appeal.

  • An Injury Lawyer Helps Plaintiffs In Farm Vehicle Road Accident Cases

    If you have been seriously injured in a vehicle accident caused by farm equipment on the road, you may need a personal injury lawyer from a site like to help you obtain the compensation you deserve. As municipal areas grow far outside their original boundaries, more individuals commute to cities through farmland. This causes traffic congestion that can lead to risky moves by harried farm workers and aggravated car drivers -- something that may have resulted in your accident.

  • Why A Business Lawyer Is Vital To Running A Non-Profit

    If you own a non-profit organization, or you are involved a non-profit in some way, you need to make sure you fully understand the law as it pertains to non-profits. Many individuals who work with non-profits are volunteers, and are not trained or up-to-speed on the law. Because of this, mistakes are made that can cause harm to the future of the organization. So whether or not your'e just getting on board with the company, or if you want to just make sure you're operating the company as you should be, consult with a business lawyer.

  • About Me

    Good Fences And Not So Good Neighbors: Property Law 101

    If you've recently moved into a new house and your neighbors are claiming you've infringed on their property line with your new fence, you may not know what to do. Sure, the idea of contacting a lawyer can be intimidating, but if your neighbors are insistent that you're on their property and you can't prove otherwise, an attorney may be the best choice. I created this site to help people just like you understand the laws surrounding property boundaries, real estate claims, and similar issues. I hope that the information here will give you some clarity as to whether or not you need to consult an attorney to protect your interests.
