Good Fences And Not So Good Neighbors: Property Law 101

Good Fences And Not So Good Neighbors: Property Law 101

  • 4 Reasons To Hire A Child Custody Lawyer When Seeking Joint Custody

    When seeking joint custody of a child, it is essential to have the best legal representation possible. A child custody lawyer is an experienced attorney who specializes in family law and can help ensure that your parental rights are respected during the court process. Here are four reasons why you should consider hiring a child custody lawyer when pursuing joint custody: 1. Knowledge of the Law A good child custody lawyer will be familiar with all of the applicable state laws regarding joint custody arrangements.

  • Custody Questions During The Holidays

    The holiday season is coming, and that can be a difficult time for divorced families. Child custody planning for holidays with the children is one of the most important parts of negotiating your custody arrangements. The holiday custody arrangements need to be specific so there are no surprises or complications. Here are some things to think about as you are negotiating custody arrangements during the holidays: What Does Your Child Want?

  • Family Law: 3 Issues That A Family Lawyer Can Assist You To Solve

    You will likely agree that you and your loved ones experience the joy of family the most when the unit is happy and functional. As such, you should address conflicts as soon as they arise to restore harmony and togetherness. While you can solve some issues internally, others require external intervention from professionals.  In case you encounter family law issues, do not hesitate to hire a family lawyer to help you restore peace.

  • 4 Tax Issues Small Businesses Face And How A Tax Attorney Can Resolve Them

    Every small business owner knows that there are a lot of moving parts to run a successful company. There's a lot to keep track of, from acquiring the necessary licenses and permits to hiring the right employees and marketing your products or services. Unfortunately, many small business owners pay attention to core business responsibilities but overlook tax planning. Proper tax planning is essential for any business, but it can be especially challenging for small businesses.

  • How To Handle A DUI Arrest If You Have A Professional Healthcare License

    Being arrested for driving under the influence is generally terrifying, especially if you have a professional healthcare license. In such a situation, your biggest concern may be how the arrest and conviction might affect your future job and career. A DUI lawyer can examine your case and tell you the possible consequences you may expect if the judge finds you guilty of the offense. They will also explain the following about getting a DUI when you have a professional license as they prepare a defense for your case.

  • About Me

    Good Fences And Not So Good Neighbors: Property Law 101

    If you've recently moved into a new house and your neighbors are claiming you've infringed on their property line with your new fence, you may not know what to do. Sure, the idea of contacting a lawyer can be intimidating, but if your neighbors are insistent that you're on their property and you can't prove otherwise, an attorney may be the best choice. I created this site to help people just like you understand the laws surrounding property boundaries, real estate claims, and similar issues. I hope that the information here will give you some clarity as to whether or not you need to consult an attorney to protect your interests.
